Are blogs really an effective marketing tool? It is if you have a Digital Marketing strategy to help it grow! Here are some of our tips
On the professional side, a blog for marketing can give your company an identity and a “voice,” gaining visibility on the web. It lets others to get involved with your work by leaving comments. You can educate clients without being too strict. Also, a blog works very well for creative professionals because you can add content to a site very easy and fast.
In fact blogging has become a fast an extremely important strategy for any online marketer. An effective blog can drive traffic to your main website, can generate more leads and potentially create more income streams product sales, create an additional stream of advertising income, and it can also be a great customer service tool.
The first advice we can give you in order to make your blog the center of a strong content marketing plan, you’ll need to make sure you build your blog on a strong foundation. One of your first decisions is how to set up your blog. Make sure you use your own URL. The best option is to use a self-hosted WordPress blog. Even better, join your blog into your overall business website.
The second advice is know your audience. Before you begin blogging, you’ll need to know who you’re writing for and what they are interested in reading. Create a set of marketing personas to clarify and give a personality to the people you’re trying to found. It’s easier to write for someone you know than a faceless mass.