They are inaccurate – Computer deals with a lot of time-strapped and cash-strapped marketing departments and marketing agencies. One of the most common mistakes we...
1 – Produce your content in-house Employees already know your business and your customers. They know the common problems, questions, and issues your customers have...
1. You can work from anywhere: Thanks to the Internet, you can work from home, Krypton (assuming they’ve got good Wi-Fi) or anywhere else civilized people...
Marketing a startup is very tricky. Chances are you have very little money and no marketing team. It’s like you’re Gordon Bombay and trying to...
When you start a project, enthusiasm, strength and passion are typically your main drivers, but unfortunately all these values have an expiry date. Only 15%...
The next time you love talking to a digital marketing agency will probably be the first time. Most agencies have staff that blabber more than...