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What Characters in Your LinkedIn Network?

The Connection Collector

The people who collect connections on LinkedIn like ’90s kids — and middle-aged men wearing tacky Hawaiian T-shirts today — collect sports cards. Imagine the Connection Collector in the pre-LinkedIn era. They would probably hit up every office and shopping mall hounding successful-looking people for business cards. These homies are also on Twitter.


The LinkedIn LION who has 5,000 connections. I don’t think I’ve seen 5,000 people in a crowd before, let alone actually know them. Granted, I don’t know exactly what 5,000 people in one place looks like. Sue me… I’ve never been to an Atlanta Hawks game (although that would be more like 3,000 people).


The student who just can’t wait to be king and thinks they’re ready now. They message the CEO of every company looking for a job. Look, ace, I’m sure whomever you’re messaging on LinkedIn would love to yell Hakuna Matata and have no worries for the rest of their days too. But they can’t if you keep interrupting them.Try doing this instead. Don’t ask someone you don’t know for help (and realistically expect them to be able to).

Rocky Balboa

These people make you feel you’re about to fight Carl Weathers or Mr. T. They littler your newsfeed with inspirational quotes about entrepreneurship, sales and subtle messages about changing jobs. Everyone needs inspiration once and a while. Once and a while being the key term. They rapidly post these quotes every five minutes. Imagine working with this person. They’d be too busy inspiring their LinkedIn contacts all day to do any work. You know this person goes home and binge-watches Rocky training montages all evening.  Could you imagine this guy in a conference call?

Bobba Fett – The hired goon that recruits people for jobs on LinkedIn. Headhunters in the offline world. These people scour LinkedIn looking for hard-to-find people to fill hard-to-find jobs. Think about people that are masters of a hard-to-find skill (know specific computer technologies, software platforms or how to dance with wolves during days of thunder).

Kraven The Hunter – The master salesperson. They’ve conquered and hunted all the game in the new business jungle… and you’re next. This sales-person handpicks their targets, leverages personal information we put on LinkedIn to find common ground and plays to our self-interest in order to win business. They are dangerous and diabolical because they lead with our passions (where we went to school and favorite hobbies) to get a response. LinkedIn calls them social sellers. These are 10 people we wish Kraven well in finding.


Reason #1 – Online brochure

Companies spend millions creating brochures and distributing them. By having a website you can skip that entirely. Your potential customers can find out about you and any of your products online. If you get most of your business through networking and personal connections, then they will want to check out your website.

Reason #2 – More customers

More than 2.4 billion people use the internet every day, and some 90% of those have purchased something, or contacted a company, online in the last 12 months. So by not having a website, you will be missing out on a big piece of the pie.

Reason #3 – Business value

Have you tried getting a business loan recently? It’s not easy, but if you try and the bank manager asks to see your website, you better have a pretty good one. It doesn’t just stop with the bank, the perceived value of your business will be lower in everyone’s eyes – especially your customers.

Reason #4 – Influence

By having a website potentially thousands of people are going to see it. You are able to influence people’s decisions and educate them.

Reason #5 – Time to show off

You know that great feeling you get when people recognize your work? Well, by having a website you can show off what you do and take pride in your work.

Reason #6 – Helps with business goals

That’s right! When it comes to writing the content for your website you are going to revisit things about your business that you haven’t in years. You will most likely reassess your business goals.

Reason #7 – Low barriers of entry

Ever wanted to start a business? Well, now you can do it with virtual space.

Reason #8 – 24 hours per day

Your website runs 24/7 without any supervision or need to lock it up. You can always be there for your customers.

Reason #9 – Communication with customers

By having a blog or even just a feed on your website, you can update customers on your newest offers, products, promotions, events, photos, or any other content.

Reason #10 – Marketing

The internet has opened up a whole new world of marketing that didn’t exist before. Your website can attract new business by using a whole host of low cost marketing techniques.

Reason #11 – Customer support

You can greatly reduce the cost of customer support by have a ticketing system, or even just an FAQ on your website. I can think of about 5 companies off the top of my head that streamline your customer service straight from your website.

Reason #12 –

I know there are other ways to do this, but by having a website you can have your own email It is more professional and easier to remember. I know you love your , but it doesn’t really resonate with customers.

Reason #13 – Press releases

I know that sounds a bit far out, but it is true. You can run really cheap press releases online about your business, but to do it you will require a website. In fact, I have had clients who were absolute nobodies get one million views on YouTube because of online press releases.

Reason #14 – Stick it to the man

The best answer to “Why do I need a website?” would be that you can stick it to the man. It is the easiest way to quit your job and earn a living.

Reason #15 – Any topic or hobby will do

Do you love sports? How about ballet, alternative dance, photography, holidays, Kit-Kats, cars, skateboards, science or animals? Well, then you have a business idea just waiting to happen. The internet has room for an unlimited number of niche blogs that can attract traffic and revenue. Just pick something you love and start writing about it.

Reason# 16 – Connect with fellow web masters

On a little side note, if you own a website you get to call yourself a ‘web master’. Pretty cool! But reason #16 for ‘why I need a website’ is that you can easily make new business and personal connections with other website owners. This can lead to extra streams of income for you!

Reason #17 – Gives you a voice

Have you ever been in an argument with someone and said “Well, I have written an article about that on my website, and actually, that isn’t the case.” It feels great! For some reason people don’t want to argue with you if you’ve written about something on your website. It also gives you a place where you can voice your opinion without judgment. If someone leaves you a comment you don’t like you can just drag it over to the spam folder.

Reason #18 – Do business your own way

You don’t need permission from your boss or company lawyer. Ash Ambridge drops the ‘F-Bomb’ all the time because she can, and no else is asking her to stop. Now she has a world class business with thousands of customers.

Reason #19 – Beat the big guys

Have you ever wanted to get into business, but don’t know how to compete with all the big names out there? By creating an incredibly beautiful website with a solid strategy behind it you can smash the big guys to pieces. You have no chance of building bigger skyscrapers, but your website can break down the perceived wall between you and them.

Reason #20 – Instant credibility

Have you ever had difficulty making that sale? Or convincing someone that you are the real deal. By having a well structured website you can foster instant credibility with anyone. You can provide the ultimate proof that you are, in fact, the realest of all deals (couldn’t resist that phrase).

Reason #21 – Helps you to find a new job

I bet you didn’t see this one coming. I have been harping on about how a website can help your business, but it can help you personally too. Not only can a website host your resume or CV, but by owning and managing your website you have demonstrated tons of hard and soft skills. Having worked in HR once upon a time, I know it is valuable.


To satisfy customer-specific wishes, we supplements its own ultra-modern fleet and network with an extensive network of subcontractors and partners who work under the responsibility and control of our company. They are monitored by the forward management system developed by in house, fixed.

we supplements its own ultra-modern fleet and network with an extensive network of subcontractors and partners who work under the responsibility and control

Its own ultra-modern fleet and network with an extensive network of subcontractors and partners who work under the responsibility and control of our company. They are monitored by the forward management system developed by in house, fixed. partners who work under the responsibility and control of our company. They are monitored by the forward management system developed by in house, fixed.

Why You Should Hire The Right Digital Marketing Person?

A good business owner/VP of marketing like yourself knows business opportunities exist online. Naturally, you post an opening to hire someone that can get more leads and:

  • Maintain website(s)
  • Assist with content marketing and SEO
  • Run paid search campaigns
  • Manage social media accounts and email marketing
  • Design creative pieces, infographics, and videos. Content is king. Remember?

The resumes come rolling in, and you hire the James Bond of digital marketing. You’re excited! Now you have a guru on your team that can take you to that elusive ‘next level’ and has your interests at heart—no more extra charges for extra hours or dealing with expensive marketing agencies and contractors.

What You Should Have Done

Why do you need a technical digital person? The answer to that question from our customers is very strategic (“We need someone in the marketing department focused on growing our business using online activities“) and not technical (“We need full-time help on Tweeting and YouTube video development“).

Hire a marketer that has grown businesses like yours using online tactics. They’ll develop a digital marketing strategy for you to win more business. Make them accountable for the online portion of the business. There are many metrics to evaluate them on (Internet leads, sign-ups, etc). You need an architect in-house, but not builders. Offer monthly income to an agency for ongoing support and a wide-reaching service level agreement (SLA). Agency organizations are wired to create videos, write copy, build apps, and design websites. They have the manpower and are up-to-date with current trends. They’ll be your builders. Since they have the people in-house and benefit from economies of scale, you should be able to acquire their services for a year at around the cost of a junior employee or less. Keep looking until you find the right partner that takes your offer.

You need a marketing person who understands digital and how your business can benefit. Instead, 6 months ago you hired a techie and trapped them in a marketer’s body.

What Digital Marketing Activities?

The modern-day short-handed marketing department staffs their teams with digital marketing specialists. This reaffirms that businesses understand digital marketing’s significance. It reaffirms another thing too.

Lots of small marketing departments are clueless about digital marketing.

Full disclosure, I manage a digital agency, but that doesn’t change some harsh realities. SMBs perceive an in-house digital marketing person replaces their agency, saves money and improves results. They don’t understand that digital marketers specialize in certain areas (eg; development, SEO, design) the same way doctors do (surgeons, pediatricians, OBGYNs). The agency-for-individual trade means swapping a hospital of specialized doctors for a potentially superstar General Physician to handle your health. Also, when you hire a digital marketer expect the budget to increase in:

1 – Ad buys (digital ad spend usually increases when in-house).
2 – Agency fees (to assist with work the employee can’t do on their own).
3 – Training and
4 – Replacement costs every 1-2 yrs (average marketing turnover).

You need a point person at your business to manage the agency relationship instead. Agencies and SMBs can work harmoniously if activities and expectations are clear. Below are things to flip to an agency and do internally.

What Digital Marketing Tool?

Tons of digital marketing tools exist to generate business online. A digital marketing expert picks the right tool for the job. You don’t unscrew a nail with a chainsaw (at least when you’re sober). Below is what small businesses must understand about the key digital tools available.

Infographics – Use when you want to explain something with visual aids. Label a map instead of taking 500 words to describe where all the countries are. Infographics are great to explain your competitive advantages, inform about what you do, how you do it and the benefit of your product/service. Plus it’s easy to share as a sponsored ad/post/tweet in LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.

Google Search – Advertise on search results relevant to your product or service. Powerful and productive if you know what search terms (keywords) you want to focus on. A waste of money if you don’t since Google Search ads are competitive. Instead of bidding on competitive keywords try focusing on specific phrases or geographies and bid aggressively. This won’t show your ad often, but will show to the most meaningful searchers when it does. Resulting in more clicks. The riches are in the niches.

Facebook – Use Facebook to share interesting content to current/potential customers. Say you sell insurance. Share tips on how to negotiate deals and any current offers. Facebook’s paid options allow you to push your content to viewers outside of your influence. This helps expand your reach and generate interest. Facebook is ideal to build your contact database for marketing automation. Use free contests and promote giveaways to get names of people interested in your offer. The insurance agent can offer a free consultation to people that like their page. They now have a new lead and can feed that data into their marketing automation software.

Google Display and YouTube Ads – Use these platforms to generate awareness for your product/service. The engagement of these ads is low — 1 out 1000 people on average click on them. Getting Google Display and YouTube Ads to ‘convert’ into leads is difficult, but possible with compelling communication. You need to exaggerate what you want ad viewers to do — sign up for your hopscotch contest, test drive a Vespa, download your Indian restaurant finder app etc. Use some form of targeting — geography, interest or demographic to ensure the right people see your ad. You don’t want your mixed martial arts ads showing on home and garden websites.

The Problem With Marketing Automation Software Solution?

Businesses use marketing automation and CRM software to manage and communicate with their sales contacts.

You can build landing pages and broadcast automatic emails/triggers to people based on some action they’ve taken in the more elaborate installs.

Assume a hair salon uses marketing automation software. The customer uses the tool to book an appointment online and pay for it. Then, the system automatically sends the customer a reminder, discount code, and a link to book again 30-45 days after their initial appointment. Once the customer signs up for a booking, they are in your system and can enjoy the special offers and information you send them. That is marketing automation at its best.

However, that doesn’t solve the main problem affecting the hair salon and every other hair salon. How do I get that new customer to my site to book? And that, my friends, is the problem with marketing automation software that you need to solve on your own.

Or, the problem affecting most SMBs—how do I get those sign-ups or new customers? Ask the next CRM sales rep that calls your office that, and you’ll know what uncomfortable rambling sounds like.

That is the one thing all marketing automation and CRM software companies don’t tell you.

You can use their software to manage potential business opportunities, but not generate business opportunities.

This is where web development plays a crucial role. A well-designed website optimized for user experience, SEO, and conversion can help attract new visitors and turn them into paying customers. Whether through organic search, paid ads, or social media campaigns, your website needs to be the first point of contact for potential customers. Without effective web development strategies, even the best marketing automation tools will struggle to deliver results.

Marketing automation and CRM systems are great tools if you have thousands of people signing up for events you run, reservations at your hotel, appointment bookings, etc. But if your business has no standard contact database to begin with, you’ll need to build that first—starting with a strong web presence.