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7 steps for creating a multichannel marketing strategy

7 steps for creating a multichannel marketing strategy?

Most marketers realize that they are not the ones who drive the market; thanks to social networks and the multiplication of channels to directly interact with brands, consumers now have the power.

Sellers who do not recognize this change face a panorama full of dissatisfied customers who did not receive the promised results.

Doing a multichannel marketing strategy means having a step-by-step guide for each segment covering all key contact points with consumers while integrating them all to reach your audience properly. But this is very complicated, especially if we add new channels such as mobile process becomes more critical.

1. Build a map of key segments

Before the creative development, establish a specific strategy for each customer segment. Digital marketing, for example.

2. Establish a clear process of creative development

Build a brief outline of the objectives set for each channel. You must see how to interact with each channel and then understand how to work together. It is necessary to ensure flows include response management, data collection, and measurement.

3. Develop a plan to manage responses

It is critical to the success of a creative plan to develop a management plan response. Consumers can respond in various ways to any message! Ensuring these responses can be captured and properly measured is mandatory.

4. Customizing the Message

Use customer information whenever possible to create relevant messages. Making intelligent personalization of audience segments or groups helps you design a message or specific action plan for each segment. Some brands are dealing with this factor; producing multiple versions of a campaign for each sector or channel adds value to the message and facilitates communication with consumers.

5. Evidence as key

Nourish messages are essential to maintaining contact and the interest of consumers and checking the effectiveness of actions and their impact.

6. Consider all possibilities to manage the campaign

Managing a multichannel campaign manually is certainly complex. Most campaign management tools are not closely integrated, but there are methods to assess the capabilities of each execution channel available.

7. Try and learn

Each of the actions of a campaign has a goal of learning. The fact that the coordination of a multichannel campaign is complicated does not mean you should skimp on tests and measurements in the program design.